Hi, This is Imtiaz
This website is not being maintained! Please visit my website at New Website I'm a graduate student starting my third year of PhD with Dr. Richard Baraniuk at Rice University. I’m developing novel techniques that harness the spline theory of Deep Generative Models to allow controllable generation based on manifold density, with applications in fair image generation, data augmentation, active learning, increasing sample quality and diversity. My research interests lie at the intersection of Spline Theory, Computer Vision, Generative Modeling and Fairness. I finished my Bachelor's in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from BUET in September 2017. I co-founded Bengali.AI in December 2017, and have been leading this platform ever since. In my free time I love playing Sitar, and quite recently I have started self learning (read failing at) piano. Google ScholarResearch
Controlling GAN/VAE Generation via Spline Insights of Deep Learning
Deep generative networks with continuous piecewise affine (CPA) activations (e.g. relu, leaky-relu) are Affine Spline Operators, that induce a CPA partitioning of space, mapping the latent space domain to the image of the generator via affine operations (left). We build on this theory to develop a change of variables analogy for the density transformation incurred by a CPA generator and provide provable methods for sampling the modes, anti-modes or uniformly from a generator manifold. Our method requires no retraining or labels, and we show that it works for many pretrained GAN/VAE, e.g. using our method we can reduce bias in StyleGAN2 by 41% for the same truncation psi of 0.5.
Neural Implicit Representation for Resource Constrained CT Reconstruction
We study the efficacy of Neural Implicit Representation for limited view CT image reconstruction. We explore Neural Implicit Representation learning framework with 1) differentiable rendering based (e.g. NeRF) frameworks where a sinogram to volume mapping is implicitly learned by rendering the ground truth sinogram using a differentiable CT renderer 2) neural representation upsampling (e.g. COIL, SIREN), coordinate learning neural networks on the input sinogram, is used to interpolate/upsample the input sinogram for inverse reconstruction with an inverse solver.
Differentiable Rendering for Coherent Light Sources
Coherent light sources create chaotic sensor readings called speckle, while passing through scattering media. We build from scratch, a differentiable RTE renderer for incoherent light (left) and retrofit the RTE equation to account for wave effects of light (middle). Using our method, we are able to reproduce speckle effects for coherent rendering, such as the memory effect- local correlations for smaller shifts of the light source (right). The renderer is built using the JAX autodiff library. As part of the research, we also explore the Mitsuba library for incoherent speckle rendering.
Interpretable Visualization and annotation tool for ECG and CVP
I have developed a visualization toolkit for Texas Children’s Hospital, that allows physicians to monitor ECG and CVP signal waveform variations at higher precision. The toolkit also provides a TSNE based ECG annotation/EDA framework which makes assessing the change of waveforms due to physiological events, more interpretable and accessible.
Domain Adaptation
Biomedical data is at the mercy of the acquisition device. A model trained on data from one device tends to perform below par on data from a different one. In this project, I used an adversarial domain adaptation technique where a conditional adversarial discriminator forces the model to derive domain agnostic features.
Interpretable Machine Learning
Interpretability of machine learning algorithms, especially, neural networks, has been of utmost interest to researchers in recent years. My research explores the interpretability of 1DCNNs from a Finite Impulse Response/Signal Processing perspective.
Computer Vision for Assistive Technologies
Embedded Application of Computer Vision Algorithms have wide potential in assistive technologies. Two key challenges remain vital for the success and outreach of such technologies: real-time algorithms and the price tag. My research incorporated the use of cheap webcams with a real-time embedded application. It also utilized Head Related Transfer Functions to modulate stereo sounds for blind assistance.
Music Information Retrieval
Music Information Retrieval is the field of research that enables your Shazam, that powers your Spotify recommendations. I was introduced to it through the IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2017, and have fallen in love with it ever since. My interests lie in cover song identification and music beat tracking.
A. I. Humayun, R. Balestriero, R. Baraniuk, “MaGNET: Uniform Sampling from Deep Generative Network Manifolds Without Retraining”, arXiv, 2021.
A. I. Humayun, R. Balestriero, T. Kyrillidis, R. Baraniuk, “No More than 6ft Apart: Robust K-means via Radius Upper Bounds”, Submitted to ICASSP, 2022.
X Tan, Y Dai, AI Humayun , H Chen, G Allen, P Jain, “Detection of Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia by Central Venous Pressure”, AI in Medicine Conference, 2021.
S Alemohammad, H Babaei, R Balastriero, MY Cheung, AI Humayun, D Lejeune, L Luzi, RG Baraniuk, “Wearing a MASK: Compressed Representations of Variable-Length Sequences Using Recurrent Neural Tangent Kernels”, IEEE ICASSP, 2021.
S Alam, T Reasat, AS Sushmit, SM Siddique, F Rahman, M Hasan, AI Humayun, “A Large Multi-Target Dataset of Common Bengali Handwritten Graphemes”, ICDAR, 2021.
A. I. Humayun, S. Ghaffarzadegan, Z. Feng, T. Hasan, “Towards Domain Invariant Heart Sound Abnormality Detection using Learnable Filterbanks”, IEEE JBHI, 2020.
A. I. Humayun, A. S. Sushmit, T. Hasan and M. I. H. Bhuiyan, “End-to-end Sleep Staging with Raw Single Channel EEG using Deep Residual ConvNets”, IEEE BHI, Chicago, May, 2019.
A. S. Sushmit, S. U. Zaman, A. I. Humayun, T. Hasan and M. I. H. Bhuiyan, “X-Ray Image Compression Using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks”, IEEE BHI, Chicago, May, 2019.
A. I. Humayun, M. T. Khan, S. Ghaffarzadegan, Z. Feng and T. Hasan, “An Ensemble of Transfer, Semi-supervised and Supervised Learning Methods for Pathological Heart Sound Classification”, INTERSPEECH, India, September, 2018.
A. I. Humayun, S. Ghaffarzadegan, Z. Feng, T. Hasan, “Learning Front-end Filter-bank Parameters using Convolutional Neural Networks for Abnormal Heart Sound Detection”, IEEE EMBC, Hawaii, July, 2018
S. Alam, T. Reasat, R. Mohammad Doha, A. I. Humayun, “NumtaDB – Assembled Bengali Handwritten Digits”, arXiv:1806.02452, 2018
S. A. Kamran, A. I. Humayun, S. Alam, R. Doha, M. Mandal, R. Tahsin, F. Rahman, “AI Learns to Recognize Bengali Handwritten Digits : Bengali.AI Computer Vision Challenge 2018”, arXiv:1810.04452, 2018
I. A. Hussaini, A. I. Humayun, S. I. Foysal, S. Alam, A. Masud, A. Mahmud, R. Islam, N. Ibtehaz, S. U. Zaman, R. Hyder, S. S. Chowdhury, and M. A. Haque, “Predictive Real-time Beat Tracking from Music for Embedded Application”, IEEE MIPR, Miami, April, 2018.
A. I. Humayun, “What Is the Future of Signal Processing?”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Nov 2017, Page 14, Column 2.
Awards And Honors
Loewenstern Fellowship
2019 - 2020Rice University, Graduate Student Recipient
Kaggle Research Grant
2019 - 2020Research Grant for Bengali.AI Competition
D2K Showcase, Winner
September 2019ISCA Grant for Students and Young Scientists
September, 2018Travel Grant for INTERSPEECH 2018
Honorable Mention, IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2017
July, 2017https://bit.ly/2xZF5Yl
Featured on BBC Media Action
February, 2017https://goo.gl/ivrn3K
2nd Place, IIT Techfest Innovation Challenge
December, 2016Young Innovator of the Year 2016 from Bangladesh
November, 2016Falling Walls Lab, 2016
Best Project, ICEEICT 2016
September, 2016Regional Finalist for San Francisco, Hult Prize 2016
February, 2016University of New South Wales (UNSW) gold medal
December, 2011Gold medal for topping the International Assessment of Schools in Science and Mathematics